Caen Racecourse

Course de trot à l'Hipprodrome de Caen en Normandie-JLL4630-20220514-153411-minTrotteur à l'Hipprodrome de Caen en NormandieVue aérienne de l'Hipprodrome de Caen en NormandieHall hippodromeHall hippodromehippodromeHall hippodromeHall hippodromeRestaurant hippodromeRestaurant hippodrome


Central Caen brings you Sport and Spectacle with a capital S: watch over thirty horse racing events on the impressive sand track between March and November. The Caen hippodrome is a fantastic training ground and hosts over 45 annual qualification events where 2-5 year old horses put their all into earning the seal that proves they can compete.
This ticket gives access to the horse races. It does not include the guided tour of the backstage nor the tracker bus.
General information
  • Languages :
    • French
    • English


GPS coordinates
Latitude : 49.1774074
Longitude : -0.3654400
